I mentioned beatin-off over Glenna, a story that involves the outdoors. That wasn't my only outdoors experience.
I went outdoors naked quite a few times when I was an adolescent. First it was just a short way. I'd go out the basement door and over the hill behind our house. Then I'd beat-off in the night air. I went a little further still and I was in the woods. I had to be careful as I was barefoot. Creeping around in the dark added an extra level of kink to my masturbating. It was a bit scary, it was exciting.
I remember one night I was masturbating over a rather earthy looking woman in a Playboy mag. She wasn't the centerfold but I had creamed over her several times before. There was something about her dark skin and wild hair that appealed to me. Anyway, after a bit I decided to go out. It was raining slightly but I continued because it was a warm summer night. I went down the hill, into the woods, and down a path that lead to a little creek next to a road. The rain had picked up and it was coming down hard now. I laid down in the creek and started masturbating. The water rushed over me as I stroked my dick. It was all very sensual but it didn't seem like I was going to cum. Then I thought of my earthy masturbation girlfriend and pretty soon I blew it. Of course now I was out in the rain, naked, and no longer sexually aroused, so I went back home as fast as possible in bare feet.
Another night I went out our back door and up a hill when to my horror I saw the silhouette of my neighbor standing in his yard some distance away. I was completely naked except for an old pair of nylon stockings that my mother had thrown away (I suppose I haven't told you about any of that yet). I turned and ran right back into the house. It was so embarrassing. I didn't know what he might have seen in the dark. Did he realize I was naked? Did he see me in my mothers stockings? Nothing every became of that incident, but that was my last time at it.
That is, until more recently. When my ex-wife divorced me I had a lot of extra time and besides masturbation I took up hiking. Once after having climbed a somewhat difficult mountain I was walking along a deserted path and got the urge to masturbate. It felt good, but I didn't manage to cum. I did this several other times. Then on one hike when I was walking through a marshy area I got to thinking about my ex. Now she was a real pain. She was living in the house we both owned and always wanting me to pay for repairs, etc. But on the other hand, I had these erotic memories of our sexual past. This though of choking her came into my mind. My hands around her neck, and then suddenly she's nude in my imagination. Now I stop hiking and my pants are down. Now I've got my hands around her neck and I'm fucking her. Then I'm cumming all over the moss and leaves. Nice.
I developed some other ex-wife masturbation fantasies while hiking. In one I pay some strangers to kidnap her and then gangbang her. When they're done with her they gag her and chain her to a sign along a public road where everyone sees her naked the next day. It's like screwing her vicariously. This all reflects my mixed emotions.
I might have masturbated over my ex to this day if I hadn't met my girlfriend. But when she sucked my dick and I went down on her she became the object of my masturbation fantasies.
I still enjoy masturbating while hiking. I'll go along for a ways until maybe I come to an overlook. Then if no one is around I'll slip my loose-fitting shorts down to my knees and give my dick a few strokes while I take in the scenery. This is an interesting situation because you are exposing yourself to the whole world, but anyone who might see you is miles away and couldn't really tell what you're up to. Anyway I'll do this at several overlooks, and maybe some deserted place along the path. Then, perhaps at the top, I'll find some convenient spot to go all the way.
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